What are the astrological remedies for a better beautiful married life?
The astrological remedies for a better & beautiful or ‘blissful’ married life are specific to the personal horoscopes of both the husband & wife. This is because in Vedic Astrology, when it comes to arriving at solutions for all negative planetary effects in the life of a native, the root cause of those negative effects are deciphered first.
In case of marriage, since ages there is a tradition in the Hindu community to go for the time-tested process of Horoscope Matching or Kundli Matching. An astrologer carefully analyzes the Marriage Horoscope of both the boy & girl to ascertain that whether they are suitable for each other as marriage partners or their marital alliance is not likely to attract bliss & happiness.
If the match is not supported by the planetary positions as per the couple’s personal horoscopes, the astrologer applies the principles of Vedic Astrology to see whether there are remedial measures available to solve the negative planetary issues present in the couple’s horoscopes. Remember the planetary effects are subtle yet extremely strong and influential.
It is for this reason, a lot of emphasis have always been given to getting a kundali for marriage analyzed by a professional astrologer. The practice of going for a Marriage Astrologer Consultation has always resulted in the least number of divorces in the Indian society despite the fact that most of the marriages in Indian households happen through arranged means.
The western society has always wondered how Indian couples successfully spend their lives together without even knowing each other well at the time of marriage. Well, it is the wonder of the ancient & divine science of Vedic Astrology.
Let us look at what are the remedies for a happy marriage or rather what ensures a blissful married life!
Venus is the natural significator of marriage and it is extremely important that Venus in the Marriage Horoscopes of both the boy & girl is positively placed.
2nd House
This house represents family as far as marital domain of a person is concerned. A strong 2nd house promotes a conducive marital alliance.
7th House
This is the house of life-partner and it is imperative that there are no malefic planets present in this house. In fact, if malefic planets like Rahu, Ketu or Saturn cast their negative aspects on this house, then the married life of a person is disturbed. It must also be noted that presence or aspect of cruel planet like Mars created volatility in marriage and results in bickering and bitterness between the couple.
Lords of 6th & 7th Houses
Lord of the 6th house must not be placed in the 7th house or Lord of the 7th house must not be placed in the 6th. This placement causes damage to the marital bliss of the couple.
5th House
A 5th house negatively affected by malefics, deteriorates the love factor in the marriage which is crucial for a successful marriage.
Gun Milan
Gun Milan is an integral part of the Horoscope Matching process that determines the compatibility of the couple on multiple parameters and arrives at a score which reveals the trajectory of the couple’s marriage ahead. Out of the vast set of planetary permutations & combinations that affect the married life of a person or couple, these are just a few things that are looked at.
So you see, there are so many moving parts involved and in order to find out remedies specific to the issues faced by an individual or a couple, personal horoscopes are required to be analyzed in isolation and later matched to arrive at real solutions.
Therefore, do not fall into the trap of free remedies to solve your marital problems as effective solutions are always the ones that are derived after finding the root planetary issues.
Future Point since decades, is providing solutions that are effective and aimed at bringing relief from the specific problems faced by the client.
The highly experienced and brilliant astrologers of Future Point perform a through & in-depth analysis of their client’s horoscope and suggest incredibly powerful remedies that have the potential of altering the destiny of their client into his/her favour!
So don’t wait and contact Future Point to get real solutions to your problems and make your life a living reality of bliss & joy!