Best Astrology Software in the market
Almost all astrologers use softwares these days to give predictions. In this fast paced era no one has time to do tedious calculations by hand which can easily be done by just a click of a trustworthy astrology software. Leostar kundali software is the best available vedic astrology in the market right now for printing and analysing kundalis or horoscopes. It contains all the astrological calculation and predictions required by an eminent astrologer to consider and analyse a horoscope before giving prediction to client. It can create horoscopes in various sizes and formats which can satisfy most users as it has various models from one page horoscope to an elaborate 400 pages horoscope.
It incorporates astrology charts like lagna, Chalit, Bhava Sandhi and all types of divisional charts of kundali. This Horoscope software includes Avakhada, Ghaat chakra, sun position, Tara chakra, planet, Tara, birth detail, Rahu Kaal, almanac (Panchang). This Jatkam /horoscope is trusted by most astrologers of not only India but in the world too for best vedic astrology software calculations and predictions.The software helps to calculate Rashi, Nakshatra, Charan, Nakshatra lord, position and degrees of planets .The inclusion of 7 types of dasha — Vimsottari, Yogini, Char, Ashtottari, Tribhagi, Kal Chakra and Sodashottari makes it the best choice as kundali software.
With the help of this Kundli software an astrologer can be fully confident about the charts formed from Lagna chart to Shastyansha. It computes Vimshottari Dasha up to 5 levels — Mahadasha, Antardasha, Pratyantardasha, Sookshmadasha and Prandasha. Complete information about Avakhada. Position of nine planets in sixteen divisional charts & Shadbal of nine planets has been included.
So let’s talk about what an astrologer need in a horoscope software.We have categorized all astrology calculations in various heads mentioned below. Leo star astrology software includes it all with accurate calculations making it the most trusted astrology software of the market.
Horoscope — Lagna chalit chart, Lagna chart, Chalit chart, Bhava chart, Sun Chart, moon chart, Hora chart, Dreshkana chart, chaturthansh chart, Panchmansh chart, Shashtyansh chart, Saptmansh chart, Ashtmansh chart, Navmansh chart, Dashmansh chart, Ekadshansha chart Dwadshansha chart, Shodshansha chart, Vimshansh chart, Chaturvimshansha chart, Saptavimshansha chart, Trishansha chart, Khavedansh chart, Akshvedansh chart, Shashtyansh chart.
Dasha — Dasha systems of 7 types — Vimsottari, Yogini, Char, Ashtottari, Tribhagi, Kal Chakra and Sodashottari.
Vimshottari Dasha up to 5 levels — Mahadasha, Antardasha, Pratyantardasha, Sookshmadasha and Prandasha
Planet and their degrees along with Significance of Planet / House, lordship.
Avakhada — Avakhada, Ghaat chakra, sun position, Tara chakra, planet, Tara, birth detail, Rahu Kaal, almanac(Panchang), immediate friendship, natural friendship, fivefold friendship.
Longitude and Latitude of different cities of the world.
Calendar with Hindu Panchang
Prediction — prediction of 12 houses and 9 planets, Navmansh prediction, transit predictions
Tarot Card consultancy
Leo Query — Ramal prashna, Jin Kevli Shakunavali, 16 Ank Shakunavali, Santan Prashana, Ank Shakunavali, Karya Pariksha, Yogadi Dev Prashnavli, Sagar Chakra Horary Tools like Ramal Chart, Ramal Nakshatra, Vinod Manjari, Ramal Shakunavali, Garbani Prashanvali, Ramal number, Teesa Yantra.
Remedy — Gem selection as per current Dasha,along with metal specification . Gem selection as per favourable planet and Nakshatra. Mantras for Grahas, Sadesati, Kalsarp Yog. Articles of planets for donation.
Leo Mantras — Mantras can be played for 108 times. Different groups of mantras available are Ganesha, Navgrah, Navgrah Laghu, Navgrah Tantrik, Lakshmi, Gayatri, Mahamrityunjaya / Rog Nashak, Vidya Prapti, Shatru Nashak, Dev, Kaal Sarp, Shakti.
Avakhada — planet aspect, Bhava aspect, cusp aspect
Shodash Vargas — Varga Bhedas, Satvargas, vimsopaka
Shadbal — Shadbal, Ishtaphal, Bhavbal
Jaimini — karaka, avastha, rashmi
Prediction — Mahadasha and Antardasha analysis, Nakshatra Reading, and next 30 years of Transit predictions.
Yogas — More than 500 astrological combinations
Transit — transits till 9999.
Astrograph — Health, finance, emotion
Longevity — Note, Summary, Jaimini, Pindayu, Anshayu, Gandamool results
In addition to all this the other most important thhings like yogas, transit, astrograph, longevity, kalsarp dosha, sadesati vichar, 30 year prediction, manglik vichar and remedies which are very useful for an astrologer as well as a layman. There are remedies like selection of gemstones like lucky stone, effective stone and life stone. Percentage analysis of each stone is given based on its favorability in the horoscope.The proper method of gemstone wearing is also mentioned. Mantras have been included along with the articles/things of donation for pleasing various planets. Sadesati remedies are also given in detail
Astrology software applications Leo series is based on methods described in traditional texts of ancient Indian astrology making it the first choice of well leaned astrologers.